Notre bibliothèque / Our Bookcase

Voici certains livres qui nous ont inspiré par les techniques ou visuels qu’ils proposent.
Here are some of the books that were technically or visually inspirational for us.

Ressources spécifiques à la facilitation graphique
/ Specific resources for graphic facilitation

Bikablo: library of icons and shapes.
Bikablo 2.0: library of icons and shapes.
Learning Map: Visual Facilitation and graphic recording.
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Sur la modélisation / About modeling
Back of the Napkin – Dan Roam: Solving problems and selling ideas with drawings.
The YGL Field Guide to Empowering Change – World Economic Forum: models samples.
Visual Meetings – David Sibbet: How graphic and idea mapping transform group creativity.
Les cartes d’organisation d’idées – Nancy Margulies: pedagogic guide to teach Mind-mapping to children.
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Sur la visualisation / About visualization
Data Flow: Graphic design and data visualization
Data Flow 2: Graphic design and data visualization
The visual Miscellaneum – David McCandless: Data visualization
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Sur le dessin / About drawing
The creative License – Danny Gregory: a gift to release your self-censorship to draw.
Make a world – Ed Emberley: how to simply draw simple things.
Drawing book of Animals – Ed Emberley: how to simply draw animals.
Faire de la Band Dessinée – Scott Mc Cloud: rules and guide to create comics.
Dessiner les BD – Franklin Bishop: rules and guide to create comics.
J’apprends la BD – Denis Fauvel: rules and guide to create comics.
The new drawing on the right side of the brain – Betty Edwards: Knowing better our skills to draw through brain and cerebral research.
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Autres / Others
Free Font index – Hans Lijklema: Font dictionary.
Slide:ology – Nancy Duarte: Creating great presentations.
Rework – Jason Fried: Nice book about paradigm change with great illustrations.
Presentation Zen – Garr Reynolds: How to create and deliver great presentation.
Problem solving 101 – Ken Watanabe: Basic problwe solving with nice graphics.
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Commentaires (3)

  • Je vous recommande aussi le livre Organisez vos notes avec le mind mapping Dunod nov 2011 qui consacre prés de la moitié du livre au sketchnoting (croquinotes) et Organisez vos projets avec le mind mapping Dunod 2011, qui parle aussi de cartes panormiques (storymapping) .

  • Bonjour, je vous signale également un nouveau livre sur le coaching visuel : Visualiser sa vie en quelques coups de crayons chez Eyrolles de Xavier Delengaigne et Salma Otmani. XDEL

  • Within 2 monyhs Jack was competent too identify and
    secure funding for projects costing 100 million dollars ‘ and and then sell his
    existing developments. Blaine survived on two or three tablespoons of water daily for your entire week, and his awesome
    only ways of communication while using outside world was by using a
    hand buzzer.  » In the mysteries with the Western esoteric societies, Hermes is really a trickster, an authority on the Pillars of Enoch and Solomon, at the same time to be a messenger from the divine and patron of thieves, the dead, sorcerers and businessmen.

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